Subaru Exiga Cross YAM 2016 74,000 Kms
- KSh3,295,000.00
Subaru Forester Model SJG, Leather, 2017, 72,000 Kms
- KSh3,695,000.00
Subaru Forester S Limited 75,000 Kms
- KSh3,495,000.00
Subaru Forester SKE Hybrid Leather Sunroof, 2018, 60,000 Kms
- KSh4,295,000.00
Subaru Forester XT 2017 80,000 Kms
- KSh3,695,000.00
Subaru Impreza G4 1.6l 2016 50,000 Kms
- KSh1,995,000.00
Subaru Impreza Sports 1.6i-L Eyesight 2017 60,000 Kms
- KSh2,195,000.00
Subaru Outback 2019 BS9 Leather, Sunroof, 36,000 Kms
- KSh4,095,000.00
Subaru Outback BRM model 2014 145,000 Kms
- KSh1,995,000.00
Subaru Outback BS9 2017, 59,000 Kms
- KSh3,395,000.00
Subaru Outback BS9 Black 2017 77,000 Kms
- KSh3,495,000.00
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